Hey Portland let’s start dreaming big again.

This fall we’re supercharging community visioning about the future of the central city —  where the river connects Portland’s economic engine with neighborhoods, arts, culture, and industry.

We’re asking all of us to think big. (EVEN BIGGER!)

Our dreams for this place are possible. Perhaps now more than ever.

4 ways to get involved

October 14th is Oregon’s Voter Registration deadline & Indigenous People’s Day. We’re celebrating with a Block Party for Visionaries and Voters and a Candidate Showcase to Reimagine Portland.

  1. Get your tickets now and circle October 14th with a Portland-sized heart on your calendar.

  2. Coming Soon - Watch XRAY FM’s Know Your Candidate interviews with city candidates.

  3. Rank candidates in your district to help them qualify to get on stage at our Candidate Showcase to Reimagine Portland on October 14th.

  4. Wanna help? We’re inviting community organizations and civic-minded individuals to help make these events sing. Email us for more info!



Monday October 14

Portland is Possible:
A block party for voters and visionaries

1 pm - 5 pm drop by
nearby portland center stage
free! Family fun!

Portland is Possible:
A City Candidate Showcase to Reimagine Portland

6 pm doors. 7 pm show
Portland center Stage
tickets $10